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Are You Ready for the Unique Language Adventure?!

Tailored Curriculum

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We offer diverse theme packages suitable for all proficiency levels, catering to individual preferences such as the HSK curriculum, daily life topics, cultural exploration, and business-oriented content.

Culture Notebooks

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Upon completing 10 lessons, students receive a Chinese culture notebook, encompassing the fascinating themes covered in our comprehensive lessons. These notebooks serve as a bonus, providing a deeper immersion into Chinese culture.

Structured Lessons

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Each lesson is thoughtfully organized into multiple sections, with a strong focus on enhancing listening and speaking skills. Engaging games and activities are integrated into review sessions, ensuring an interactive and enjoyable learning experience.

Comprehensive Exploration

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Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Chinese culture through our series of notebooks. Each level offers a unique collection of themes, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of various aspects of Chinese culture at every stage of your learning journey.

Membership Benefits:

  • Flexible Membership: Study at your own pace.

  • No Commitments: No regular commitments or high-level proficiency required.

  • One-Class-Per-Month: 1hr/month, occasional guidance and support.

Join our Vibrant Membership Community Today!

  • Bronze Plan

    Every month
    Fueling your Chinese learning journey and fostering connections with others.
    • Chinese Culture Workshops
    • Unlimited download of study material
  • Jade Plan

    Every month
    • 1 hour Private Lesson (Adult)
    • Chinese Culture Workshop
    • Unlimited Download of Study Material
  • Silk Plan

    Adult Group Class : 4~6pp (1.5h/lesson)
    Valid for 3 months
    • Membership Fee Included
    • 15hrs Group lessons (369HKD/1.5h)
    • Chinese Culture Workshops
    • One Theme Chinese Culture Notebook
    • Unlimited Download of Study Material
  • Pearl Plan

    Adult Group Class - 2~3pp (1.5h/lesson)
    Valid for 3 months
    • Membership Fee Included
    • 15hrs Group lessons (459HKD/1.5h)
    • One lesson per week
    • Chinese Culture Workshops
    • One Theme Chinese Culture Notebook
    • Unlimited Download of Study Material
  • Silver Plan

    Valid for 3 months
    • Membership Fee Included
    • 10hrs Adult Private lessons (569HKD/hour)
    • One lesson per week
    • Chinese Culture Workshops
    • One Theme Chinese Culture Notebook
    • Unlimited Download of Study Material
  • Gold Plan

    Valid for 4 months
    • Membership Fee Included
    • 20hrs Adult Private Lessons (499HKD/hour)
    • Two lessons per week
    • Chinese Culture Workshops
    • Two Themes Chinese Culture Notebooks
    • Unlimited Download of Study Material
  • Private Trail Lesson

    1 hour Private Chinese Lesson
    Valid for one month
    • Group trial lesson

      1.5hrs group Mandarin trial lesson
      Valid for one month

      Welcome to Mayland Academy

      Welcome to Mayland Academy, where possibilities come to life! Just like the month of May, symbolizing the blooming of spring and the start of new beginnings, our academy is a place where you can sow the seeds of your Chinese language journey and watch them grow into flourishing opportunities.

      "May" represents the boundless possibilities that await you here. We believe in nurturing your passion for Chinese study and providing a nurturing environment for your exploration of China's rich culture and language. Come join us in this exciting adventure, and together, let's embrace the endless potential that lies ahead! Mayland Academy - Your Path to Endless Discovery.

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