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​Our Core Values

Our core Value

Mayland Academy is an education movement dedicated to changing the way students learn. Our unique teaching methods combine tailored lesson plans, activities, and games to create a personalised learning journey. With our courses, students will not only learn the Chinese language but also gain an understanding of different aspects of Chinese culture. Our workshops, self-paced Chinese Culture notebook designs, and Chinese language studies can help to create your own textbook by the end of the course. We aim to provide motivation and the best learning experience for all our students.

The story behind the Chinese name

In a land where dreams and passions intertwine, a vision took root in the heart of a dreamer.

A dream—represented by 夢 (mèng) in Chinese—of sharing the richness of Chinese culture and language with the world. This aspiration is rooted in a humble desire to unveil China's historical civilization where dreams and passion converge. 麓 (lù) symbolizes the foothills, where deer thrive amidst lush surroundings. 夢 麓 書 院 was born in this enchanting realm, where dreams and cultural wonder intertwine.

This name also symbolizes the beginning of the journey toward fulfilling dreams. It's also an invitation to anyone with dreams to step forward and make them a reality.

Just like a thousand-mile voyage that commences with a single step --- this is my favorite sentence from 「Tao Te Ching」 in Chinese: 千里之行, 始于足下.

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      梦麓书院,梦 — 顾名思义代表“梦想”,这源于一直以来的一个小小心愿,就是希望可以在这片梦想与热情交融的土地上,传播历史悠久而又丰富多元的中华文明,让古老神秘的汉语散发出它应有的魅力。

      麓 — 代表“山麓”,本意为小鹿生活的地方,即有树林的山脚下。山脚下有水有草,适合生存,小鹿也可以在茂密的树林和清新的水域中漫步成长。


     这个名字还寓意着【梦开始的地方】,是对所有有梦想的人发出的邀请函,最喜欢老子在《道德经》中说道“千里之行 始于足下”。

Meet Mayland Team

Anika Wang

I'm Anika,

the founder of Mayland Academy.

Master's degree

in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Rainnie Zhang

Hey, I'm Rainnie!

Mandarin teacher at Mayland Academy

Master's degree

in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Rita Zhou

Hey, I'm Rita!

Mandarin teacher at Mayland Academy


in Journalism and Communication

The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Lisa Li

Hey, I'm Lisa!

Mandarin teacher at Mayland Academy

Master's degree

in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

HSK3 Workshop
Chinese Calligraphy Workshop
Chinese Culture Workshop
Chinese New Year Workshop
CNY Dumplings Workshop
CNY Theme
Lantern Festival
Beginner Mandarin Workshop
Lantern Festival
Lantern Theme
Chinese Character Class

​How to stay motivated?

「The key is to link up emotionally with the language.」

- You must fall in love with everything related to that language.

How much do you know about China?

How much do you want to experience China?

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How do we stand out in our teaching approach?

With over years of teaching experience, we are dedicated to imparting knowledge and fostering a deep understanding of language and culture. We pride ourselves on employing unique and easy-to-understand teaching methods that make language learning an enjoyable and enriching experience. By incorporating game-based approaches, we create a dynamic and interactive learning environment.

Moreover, we strive to engage students by showcasing the richness of Chinese culture, enabling them to learn the language and appreciate its vibrant heritage.

Therefore, our mission is to share not only the language but also our unique teaching methods and innovative ideas at our academy. This is the heartbeat of our approach — to make sure that every individual not only learns but also thoroughly enjoys their Chinese classes. We're dedicated to creating an environment where education is a delightful journey, and our commitment to this principle shapes everything we do.

Welcome to Mayland Academy

Welcome to Mayland Academy, where possibilities come to life! Just like the month of May, symbolizing the blooming of spring and the start of new beginnings, our academy is a place where you can sow the seeds of your Chinese language journey and watch them grow into flourishing opportunities.

"May" represents the boundless possibilities that await you here. We believe in nurturing your passion for Chinese study and providing a nurturing environment for your exploration of China's rich culture and language. Come join us in this exciting adventure, and together, let's embrace the endless potential that lies ahead! Mayland Academy - Your Path to Endless Discovery.

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